Episode 30

Published on:

8th Aug 2023

Transcending Pain To Love with Antonia Part 1 l S1E030

Antonia, the author of "Dismantling the Third Dimension," and I explore:

Understanding the Origin of Low-Frequency Emotions: Antonia sheds light on the connection between fear and emotions such as anger, rage, shame, and grief. She explains how these emotions stem from fear and how recognizing this connection can lead to greater self-awareness and healing.

Shifting the Relationship with Pain: Antonia emphasizes the significance of moving from resistance to acceptance, allowing us to navigate and transcend our pain for profound personal growth.

Holistic Approaches for Healing: Antonia discusses the role of subtle earth medicines and meditation in restoring balance and well-being.

In episode 31, we will delve even deeper into the journey of transmuting pain into love. We'll explore the empowering shift from victimhood to self-compassion and stillness, uncovering potent tools for overcoming limiting beliefs and fostering positive change.

Explore two magical retreats I am hosting.

Experience of a LIFETIME - Sri Lanka Ayurveda Healing Retreat

One Day Retreat - Joshua Creek Ontario, Canada

About Antonia:

Antonia, is a registered psychotherapist, Ayurvedic Counsellor, Yoga, and Meditation Teacher. In 2006, she experienced a spontaneous awakening that set off a remarkable journey of expansion. During this transformative process, she released a tremendous amount of energy and transcended deep-seated pain. As the discomfort faded away, it brought forth a profound sense of connection to her inner self and the world around her. Through this journey, Antonia came to realize that we are all creative beings with the power to turn our suffering into love. She is the author of Dismantling the 3rd Dimension.

Connect With Antonia here:



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Podcast: Dismantling the 3rd Dimension

About Linda:

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact. 

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.  

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? Join a call for love. 

Website - Global Wellness Education


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Linda Orsini:

Hello and welcome to a call for love. I believe the most powerful gift you can offer yourself is to give and receive love more freely. I'm your host Linda Orisni meditation guidance spiritual coach. Everyone has the desire to be seen, heard, respected and loved. The journey to becoming more connected to your greater purpose lies within the ability to live from the deep source of love within you. Let's begin.

Linda Orsini:

Welcome Friends, welcome back to a call for love. And if you landed here for the first time, what a perfect episode to listen into. Because this is part one of a two part series, and I had such an enlightening conversation with Antonia, she is the author of dismantling the third dimension. Together we explore the nature of suffering, and how we can transform and transcend it. We actually talked about navigating and shifting through emotions, emotions like shame, rage, guilt, grief, and they are all rooted in fear the fear of being rejected or abandoned. Both Antonia and I share the belief that our purpose is to learn how to transmute pain into love. So in this episode, you will gain insights into the processes of transforming and healing specifically in the context of releasing fear, pain and low frequency emotions. We discussed the journey from a fear based confined 3d reality towards higher dimensions of awareness and unity. And if you're not quite sure what a 3d reality means, then listen up because you will definitely have a better understanding throughout the conversation. Lastly, we explore the utilization of Earth medicine and holistic approaches as a means for promoting our own well being. This was such a powerful conversation, I know it will touch you deeply. Next Episode Part Two, we will continue the conversation with a strong focus on personal growth, through self awareness, from victimhood to empowerment. It is a powerful conversation, really diving deep into the nature of pain and ego. And you guessed it, the illusions the illusions we create in our mind, so stay tuned. There's so much coming.

Linda Orsini:

Welcome everybody to a call for love and allow me to introduce Antonia. She is a registered psychotherapist or Vedic counselor, yoga and meditation teacher. In 2006, she experienced a spontaneous awakening that set off a remarkable journey of expansion. During this transformative process, she released a tremendous amount of energy and transcended deep seated pain. As the discomfort faded away, it brought forth a profound sense of connection to her inner self and the world around her. Through this journey, Antonia came to realize that we are all creative beings with the power to turn our suffering into love. And she is here today not only to talk to us about her journey, but even more importantly about her book dismantling the third dimension, which I had purchased and I am finding so affirmative to what I believe, and so inspirational. So I'm really happy to have you here. It is such a blessing.


Oh Linda what a welcome. Thanks so much got shivers.

Linda Orsini:

Oh, this is like great. I love those. While we begin, I will I just found everything I highlighted so much in the book. I really found it spoke to me. And I'd like to begin with just asking you what is tribe to collective? What does that mean?


It's a concept that came quite a few years ago and it for me it kind of represents a journey that many most maybe all I don't know that we're I think we're moving towards the tribe representing that state of separation, fear based organization of humans, and we're releasing the fear. And when we release fear, we discover that actually we're all connected and join that collective where it is all one.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, I think that's so powerful fear, you know, is I know in a call for love, I say there's two basic emotions love and fear and when I mean fear, which you said also in the book, you said fear, anger and What was the other one you used?


Fear, rage and shame are kind of the I used to represent about nine different low frequency feelings that we carry around historically.

Linda Orsini:

Exactly. So I always categorize those low frequency vibrations or emotions, as fear. But I think how you kind of separated them. Mm hmm. Yes,


I think they all come out of fear. Yes, I see it and felt it. And it was revealed to me that shame and rage and grief and disgust and jealousy, all of that are actually just different low frequency expressions of fear.

Linda Orsini:

Exactly. I always say for me for my life, fear, stress and anxiety, because those have been really the biggest for me. But I know rage and shame and anger and all those are so prevalent,


big, big, big delusions that we carry around. Yeah, for 1000s

Linda Orsini:

of years. I love that word delusions. Yes, it is. When you say that you can turn pain into love, which I find fascinating because that's the whole message of a call for love. What do you feel the relationship is between love and consciousness?


I think they're the same thing. I think that us romantic humans feel the energy of consciousness, that universal energy of connection, Unity conscious, we feel it as loves. That's how are you nervous systems receive it. It feels safe, it feels juicy, it feels expansive, it feels all consuming. We just want to get in and hug everybody. Everything feels great. Everything feels possible. It feels big. I think we feel consciousness is love in our

Linda Orsini:

nervous systems. Beautiful. I've been reading tangentially again, and he says that this selfless and selfish. Those are the two main themes. And we were saying that in selfish. It's what is in it for me. And selfless is a form an extension of love. So what you're saying is when we extend that love, right, everything about sorrow, vibration races,


everything. Yeah, absolutely. I think that. I mean, I think consciousness itself, at everything is consciousness. But the way I see it is that there's sort of consciousness that's kind of squished and dense and stuck. And that's where here in this 3d reality we're experiencing the discomforts of separation in experiences, the feelings of fear and shame and rage and grief. That's when consciousness can't quite get in there doesn't flow and it feels very separate and individual, when it starts to flow, and it starts to reach higher vibrations. That's when we start to feel things like compassion and connection and love. And that's when we feel that energy of connectivity the collective starts to kick in.

Linda Orsini:

Yes, I love that. And, you know, I just as you speaking, I think our viewers may really understand or know what the title of your book means dismantling the third dimension like some people, I know that there's some people that say we're heading towards the fifth dimension. Yeah, but I'm not sure our listeners really know what third dimension is.


Yeah, well, so my understanding of and and while I do believe there is a physics behind most things that I speak of the third dimension was just a label of of understanding the limited reality that we are currently in, and that the third dimension is constructed of pain. Pain is the limiting experience, pain, sufferings, fear, shame. And rage is the limiting experience of this 3d reality. Many other people can speak a fourth and fifth dimensions. It's not what I've had access to information and wisdom on that. But I do see that the three D, the label that I give it, and I'm hearing more as I've come out of the hole, like I've been sort of hiding for the last 16 years and as I've emerged a lot of people are referring to this reality as the 3d We are coming out of the 3d at Penny Pierce is one of those she's an author that refers to the the US expanding out of 3d into higher dimensions. So the 3d is a pain reality, which is this very dense squished can contracted state of existence that I believe we're in and most of us don't even recognize that we're in. How long do you think we've been in 3d? 1000s of years. And there are Yeah, I don't think there are other people that have greater access to the waves of frequencies that we have been existing in, in this planet. But I think that, you know, the Kali Yuga, according to the Vedic scriptures have been saying it's been 20,000 years, for example, that we've been going into a really dense dark period and now we're coming out of it. That's a 1000s of years we've been in this delusions of dense fear, shame and rage.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, I feel as though Honestly, that the 3d is almost that we're just too connected to the physical reality and not the vibrational real reality. What do you feel about that?


Yeah, I think it's the same thing. Because I think it's the the density and contracted states of fear that actually construct this physical reality, more or less, it is so heavy, it is so sticky, that it's really difficult to shift our way out of it. And we highly identify in this very sticky, heavy place with our physical beings and the safety of our physical beings, which I think is very, very tiny, a very tiny part of who we really are. Our non physical beings, our metaphysical beings are actually much, much larger than we think we are in this physical reality.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, it's so true. I've really feel that and I see it, and I feel like this, this rising, coming about, you know, not for everyone, but I certainly in my circle, I feel that and for you reading your book, you've had a journey. What, what was your journey?


Well, I came out of a very before 2006, I was in a very academic space that we collect degree after degree trying to find that place of acceptance and worthiness, which I didn't understand, I was actually seeking, I was trying to find that professional success. I was also very politically active, and committed working in international development and health promotion. And then in 2006, the roof just blew wide open. And I didn't understand what was happening, it was actually quite terrifying. And over the years, I came to understand that spontaneously, just a lot of energy started activating and cleaning house, it just started clearing out suffering sort of clearing out pain. And it was and continues to be very uncomfortable process of clearing out so much pain, but it was layer after layer after layer almost on a daily basis. And then that process then continued on to my clients as in that time very quickly. By 2009, I'd shifted over to working as a psychotherapist, instead of working with groups in the world, I was now working one on one. And in that one on one, I started to understand that I was working at a very energetic level, not just with myself, but with whoever I was coming in contact with, and just releasing the 3d stories, layers after layer. I didn't even think it was just I don't believe it's just this lifetime of stories, I think that our bodies are imprinted with encoded with low frequency, imprints of fear, fear, shame and rage that we have encoded in these 3d bodies that now at this time, we have a greater opportunity than I've ever understood, to have had to start to shift those low frequencies into high frequencies and to free ourselves from what I think is a real fear based reality.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, it's, it's so fascinating, I can hear exactly what you're saying. And I know for myself, that I have to say, I've had a very privileged life, you know, I want for nothing, I have excellent relations. But I have this, this, this mission to share overcoming Peggy, and it'll fit her which is so interesting, because I it's not really who I am, but I have, through my work, I feel that it could be ancestral. It could be past lifetimes, that I don't even know where it's coming from. But I just feel this strong mission to share that. When we can be with pain, when we can be friend and be with ourselves like Pema children says, then we can allow all these things to surface which you're right is so dreadfully uncomfortable, painful, and the human condition is to push it away. So to be with that takes so much courage. And that's why even my meditation on this podcast, I include bonus, I just feel like to transform ourselves is to be with ourselves.


Correct? And be with ourselves in ways as you say, I think are very uncomfortable, which is why we need to see and bring into awareness, the ways that we reject each other. We need to hold each other we need to learn non judgement, we need to learn acceptance, more deepen that so that that pain can move more freely. It can be you know, without us getting in the way it can just move through and so these conversations I think are very important to begin to go that's pain. That's something we we hold we give space for we honor even because it's taught us a lot as we leave lots of room for it now to move through.

Linda Orsini:

I love in your book, you said the challenge is to soften in To the space of pain, hold space for the pain, sit with the discomfort. And this is the part I really love cozy up and have a cuddles? Yeah,


I think exactly that. And that's the whole one of the big messages, we have to change our relationship with pain, not the oh, I don't want it to be there, which is a deep, deep reflex that we've had for 1000s of years. And we've needed it. Until now, especially if we're in privileged places, what a wonderful place to lead to be able to go, then I have lots of space to clean house. So I can sit here, bring the supports I need in or provide support as we allow this pain to move through because I know it's safe. Because I know I'm okay. So I can go right in there and get real sweet with this discomfort, get real kind really accepting, really loving. So which of course allows it to transform and release. Yeah, but

Linda Orsini:

you know, this is what I say during meditation class, you're in a safe place. So let's practice the skills now. Holding space for thoughts. Because if you're in a crisis, yeah, that's almost unless you are training yourself in in safe places, almost impossible to do. Clearly. Oh, it still is.


Yeah, even when I'm in very, very hyper vigilant states by try and get as quiet as possible surrender as much as possible, keep my eye on the pain, it's not going to move through in that moment, because survival mode is kicked in. And that's the big giant contracted state. It's survival mode, the fear has got a grip, egos got a grip. So the job when you're in that is to go okay, but I see you even though the grips really hard, I see you, I'm gonna keep seeing you, I'm gonna keep knowing that this actually doesn't have to stay that might not even be real. So that I bring even little bits of consciousness and just little drabs of consciousness. And then when we get through the crisis, where we've kind of brought in enough energy that the transformation is more available, we can shift more easily because we've stayed in the place of the observer, a little bit of detachment brought in the energy. So it makes healing from that crisis, I think, a little bit more easy.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, it's like those baby steps. And as I was a school teacher for over 30 years, and there was the story, you might remember it, it's bear going through the woods, you can't go over it, it can't go under it, it can't go around it, you gotta go through it, right. And it's muddy, and scary. Yeah, and right, one little step at a time, it's like, oh, I always think it's like opening the blinds, you just let a little light in that beat with that, survive it, and then open it a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more, as much as you can handle in each moment.


It's beautiful. And I think that we're getting more and more tools to handle more and more truth and light, and then ever.

Linda Orsini:

Beautiful, what tools do you have, that you could share?


Well I think we're more capable of recognizing the importance of silence. So meditation is fundamental. I think that more and more people are coming equipped with working with subtle energy. So before, if you had a chiropractor, they may not have been able to work with the subtle energy body. But now I don't go to US massage therapist or an osteopath, who hasn't worked with the subtle energy body, we are infusing light and love more and more into our subtle beings, not just working with the gross beings. So I think those are collective tools that are increasing, we're working more and more with the subtle parts of ourselves. And what I've been working with, since 2017, I think plant medicine, although there are some challenges has a lot to offer. In releasing those fear stories out of the body. It kind of says okay, you mind, go for a break over there so that we can release your healing potential because we know this is too big for you. We know this is too much for you. So we're going to help you along to get some of those stories out of your being. So I think plant medicine has a has a big role to play. And I think the Earth has a beautiful offering that sort of unflattering right now and probably will continue to go for quite a few decades.

Linda Orsini:

Yes, I do believe that the earth is such a gift, although we are using it, but it has so much to offer us and healing. It can heal us in so many ways. And I know this is a big interest for you now. Absolutely.


I mean, it came I had an enormous integration once and I remember just standing out there and it was very clear looking at my garden that you're here for me like you're here to help me get through this. There's so much wisdom and intelligence flowing through this beautiful planet that it's kind of here going you can do this. Here's a little thing here. This might help you a little bit. Here's some wisdom and intelligence over here. Maybe can chew on this and breathe in that and stare at this, like she is there to help guide us and bring intelligence and love and patience and, and trust into our beings as we are now climbing out of what I think is a very dark hole.

Linda Orsini:

Interesting because, you know, I'm suffering a little bit from high cholesterol. So I went to Sri Lanka, to speaking of plant medicine, and I saw a shock come in there. And he says to me, you have high cholesterol. This to me, your blood is thick, it's not your fault. It's hereditary. And he said, I should eat a small cloves of fresh garlic. He said, from India, I don't know where I'd get it in Canada, but basically a very, as organic as I can get clove of garlic, each dinner, just mix it in, you know, with whatever I'm eating, you know, lentils should be rock. And then he said, I'd be fine. And then of course, you know, now, a lot of my family members are taking heart medicine, like no cholesterol medicine, I should say. And so I feel like wow, here's one source that said, you know, take plant using the plant as medicine. And then of course, the intervention of which we sometimes and sometimes really need to honor and need by us, I really thinking, wow, he was so definite that if I took this garlic, I'd be fine. And hear the western medicine practitioner saying, you know, if I take the pill, I will be fine. Just very interesting.


I think that we are extremely out of balance in most places of the planet right now. And I see that allopathic medicine, Western medicine is necessary to manage those really gross, not as disgusting, gross as very physical, those really gross manifestations of our imbalance. That's why we've had this sort of big intrusions from allopathy. The more we're in balance, then when we go out of balance, we can use the more subtle medicines, which are the earth medicines that can come in, and then that can write our balance. So I think they're necessary. One is a reflection of how I mean, they're both a reflection of where we are imbalanced or out of balance.

Linda Orsini:

No, I think plant medicine can complement. Is this what you meant to say?


I can I mean it. I mean, I think that they can work together. If you've got a broken leg, that's a big imbalance. That's something that needs some big medicine. But if you know if you're imbalanced, it's not that kind of extraordinary pain, then, then yeah, I think that this more subtle verse medicines are a way to go. And the meditations are a way to go and exercises, different types of exercises and breath work. Those are more subtle medicines that can bring you back into balance and bring you back into balance. But if the imbalance is big, because we're so far out of balance, that we need those allopathic medicines to do the big extra stuff, and not all not always, wisely, and there's always flaws, and they're not perfect, but I think that that's why they're there and why we've needed them.

Linda Orsini:

No, definitely there are times that I would I need and so grateful for our medical system here in Canada, even for all its flaws. I mean, it has been so powerful and such a real. I'm really grateful for it.


Yeah, absolutely. But as with everything, it's got its own wounds that we need to transcend as well.

Linda Orsini:

Thanks. Thank you for joining in part one. Next week, episode 31. We will dive deeper into this conversation. And here's a little snippet, a little teaser to get you excited.


And I want to own then all pain whether this 3d mind understands it or not. Some part of me does. And I want to release myself from any part of me that thinks that I can't overcome something that there's something here I can't learn from that. There's something here that I'm not meant to own completely in order to mine all of its wisdoms, and I can't mine all of its wisdoms and less I go yes, that pain is all mine.

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About the Podcast

A Call For LOVE
A Call for LOVE invites you to nourish love for yourself and others. Love transcends time and space so together, we will invite gentle awareness into learning new tools to be present to any thoughts, feelings and actions that are keeping you separate from the infinite sources of love, kindness and compassion. We will explore practices to help open your heart to giving and receiving love more freely and hear conversations to uplift and expand your consciousness. As the founder of Global Wellness Education, Linda’s passion is rooted in supporting your heart, mind, body and spirit on the journey to self-love through self-compassion. If you’re not living a life of love for yourself or others, then there is A Call for LOVE. All love flows from self-love. Join the journey!

About your host

Profile picture for Linda Orsini

Linda Orsini

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact.

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else. Join a call for love.