Episode 79

Published on:

26th Nov 2024

Feet First: Reflexology for Holistic Healing with Carrie Chilcott | S2E079

In this episode, we explore the healing power of reflexology and its role in holistic well-being. Carrie Chilcott, a certified reflexologist, joins me to discuss the benefits, techniques, and transformative impact of this practice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Reflexology connects specific points in the feet to organs and systems in the body, promoting relaxation and healing.
  • It can address issues like stress, tension, and even chronic conditions while supporting overall health and balance.
  • Reflexology encourages grounding, self-care, and connection with your higher self for deeper well-being.

If you’re curious about reflexology, give it a try and feel the benefits yourself. Let’s take the first step toward healing, one sole at a time. 💛

Linda's website https://www.globalwellnesseducation.com 

Meet Carrie Chilcott, a Certified Reflexology Therapist, Reiki Master, and Holistic Nutritionist. Carrie blends her anatomy and energy work expertise to offer gentle, non-invasive reflexology that promotes relaxation, balance, and the body’s natural healing. Her holistic approach nurtures the well-being of the whole person.


About Linda:

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact. 

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.  

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? Join a call for love. 

Website - Global Wellness Education


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Linda Orsini:

Welcome back to a call for love. Today you're going to learn more about reflexology, because reflexology is about guiding your body not only into relaxation, but activating its natural ability to heal. I always believe we heal from the inside out, and we have the power so it balances everything from your organs and glands to your overall well being, including the support even for fertility. So I would like to introduce you to Carrie Chilcot. She's a RAC certified reflexology therapist, and she owned her skills in foot reflexology since 2011 she's been doing this quite a while, wealth of experience, so warm, so friendly, you're going to love her. But along side her reflexology practice, Carrie is a season Reiki master and teacher. I did feel that I had the benefit to meet with Carrie yesterday, after I taught a class and I was the foot model, which was really fun, because I got some little pampering, which was decadent. In any case, I did feel her Reiki energy, but she will share more about that and her path to energy healing that she invites into her Reiki offerings for people, she guides a deep connection to holistic well being for herself and for others by really honoring the body's natural healing abilities. So Carrie, welcome to a call for love.

Carrie Chilcott:

Thank you so much, Linda for having me. I'm over excited. It's fabulous to be here and to serve. Thank you.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, it's so exciting. I I love how I get to meet such wonderful people. And you know, when you really put your heart out there, they come right, build it, and they will come with that movie from a long time ago, but today, a call for love is always about finding love within, and it's self love, it's self acceptance, and it's self healing. I had this conversation with Eleanor Hayward a couple weeks ago, reiki master, and I know we both know her and myself, I am a Reiki Master. I really believe that we have the intuition and the energy potential to self heal. But it also is really important to know that sometimes we need a little bit of help, sometimes we need somebody to guide us, to move us from the sympathetic nervous system, fight and flight into the parasympathetic nervous system, which is rest and digest, which you will share with us. So in your words, why should somebody, I mean, I know I love a foot massage, and it's more than a foot massage, it's a healing modality. But what are the benefits? What does reflexology offer to everyone?

Carrie Chilcott:

Reflexology helps with the healing of the body when you take as you know, when you take it to the fight or flight, when you take when your body's in fight or flight and and when I work on somebody, it takes them into full relaxation.

Carrie Chilcott:

I had a lady today that said, Was that an hour, it felt like five

Carrie Chilcott:

minutes, because she went so deep in. It is such a relaxing mode, and it helps with all other disease in the body, so that it doesn't cause disease. So it's a preventative for a lot of disease out there. Definitely.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, it's really, really powerful, and I have to share that as you were reflexology in my feet, if that's a phrase, performing reflexology on my feet, you like I had a sore spot, and you said to me, Oh, didn't you say that was my neck.

Carrie Chilcott:

Yes, your neck was very crunchy. And then you said to me afterwards, well, I do have issues with my neck. And the exercises that you know I kind of showed you to do to help with that, and also coming back for more sessions that will really help you relax that neck area, for sure.

Linda Orsini:

It's really interesting because I didn't have so many neck issues until I began working on my computer so much I didn't know that being in the Wellness Business meant being on my computer more than doing many other things. So I spend too much time on the computer, and this is very important for people to know, because since COVID, more people are working on technology, either on the phone, hunched down or looking at their computer. So what can you tell us about where we hold tension in our body and how it shows up in the feet?

Carrie Chilcott:

Oh my gosh. Well, like I showed you and you. Neck area. You hold tension. A lot of people in their shoulders, remember your shoulders, they're very crunchy. If they feel like if, when I push on the reflex, on the on the foot, on the shoulder reflexes, it sounds like bubble wrap. So it's pop up, pop so I'm breaking up the fasci on there to help relax the shoulder area. For sure, any kind of ailments, oh my gosh, there's so many out there. Cancer is one too. Like there's so many beautiful testimonials out there, from people, through cancer patients and having reflexology as a preventative. It's such a preventative. People don't honor their self with their self care, and it's so so important. If you are not well, how are you going to look after anybody else you can't So first up, and it's not being selfish, but you should put yourself first, especially you know you have to lead by example. And if you're not leading by example, you're going to get disease where things are going to start to hurt you if you don't pay attention to your body. And that, unfortunately, it's going to turn into something a little more drastic, and we don't want that to happen, so coming once a month for a preventative reflexology is great to honor your body for overall well being. Yeah,

Linda Orsini:

I always say self care is self love, and we can only fill from a full cup. That

Carrie Chilcott:

is beautiful. I like that. I'm going to take that from you, actually, because I'm all about the love, and I thank you for that. That's beautiful. Yes, it is love. People don't understand. People think that self love is ego, but it's not. It has nothing to do with ego. It has to do with loving yourself as you would love your child or your pet, you know. And people have a hard time doing that. I'm it's it's ironic. It's taken a journey of self, and I know you have had the journey too of self, to find that love is all there is. Love is all there is.

Linda Orsini:

Didn't the Beatles say that? Yes. And

Carrie Chilcott:

Einstein actually wrote a love letter to his daughter, explaining, with his revitality, or whatever it is, I've probably said it wrong, but and he put it towards love. You know, the human the humans don't understand the power of love. Oh my gosh, as a collective, we can move mountains and relaxation, yeah, and relaxation is so important for stress. I don't know anybody out there that doesn't have stress or anxiety or some kind of, you know, stress, sorry, just basically, yes, stress is a killer. Stress will kill you if you do not fix it. Whether you go to massage, where do you go? You know, to me, which I can help with, definitely. And you don't even have to take your clothes off. You just, I mean, I just got your feet there. So that's the one thing. And I love feet, because feet take us into the rest of our life. They take us on our journey. If we don't have our feet, you know, where are we going to go? My I have quite a few diabetics that I look after and I keep their feet because a lot of times they get, you know, too much, and then they get their feet removed. So thank you for coming diabetics, because you keep your feet, you know, and your appendages. Keep your body parts, trust me, keep your body parts,

Linda Orsini:

you know. You say that my father in law had to have part of his leg removed from just below the knee because of lack of circulation. And I'll tell you, getting older has its enough challenges than putting on a prosthetic

Carrie Chilcott:

absolutely and thank you. You said circulation, girl, after I finish, the circulation is moving. And a lot of time, people that has really bad circulation, their feet are super itchy, and they go, why is my key? So check it. Guess what? That's circulation. Your blood is now flowing. So that's one thing I do. Our blood recycles every hour, and helping with circulation, helping that you know, people that suffer from cold feet all the time. After a session, they're warmed up, the circulation is moving. You have to keep that blood flow and you're right. As you get older, things start to slow down. I'm a 65 year old woman. I feel good. I work on myself every day because I believe in self care, and if I'm not bang on, who am I going to look after? Nobody, nobody. It's really important in self care, for sure, as you know,

Linda Orsini:

yeah, self care, but the feet, like they're almost the windows to every part of your body.

Carrie Chilcott:

Yes, it's a map. It's definitely a map. It shows everything, everything your screen, your ribs, your lymphatic system. And I drain the lymphatic system every session, and that's always tender at first for some people, because they probably haven't had their limb strain for a while, chest, breast lymphs And, of course, groin lymph because that is your immunity. The lymphatic system is part of your immune system. You. It's huge. And if you're not moving, like a lot of people don't, you know, they come home, they sit on the couch and, you know, throw on the TV, eat in front of the TV, and they're, they're not moving, and they get heavier, and then they get the VIS, it's, yeah, it Come, come for one session. I just guarantee you just come for one session, and you'll be hooked. I promise it hooked me.

Linda Orsini:

Well, I think, like a lot of women, I'm going to say women here can appreciate that, because I get pedicures, so we do have a taste of it. But reef, how does reflexology and a pedicure

Carrie Chilcott:

differ? Okay, so they're not trained reflexologists. It took a year of training that we go through. It's intense training. We go through a written test of every system in the body, musculoskeletal, you know, lymphatic, cardiovascular. So we had to do an exam and get at least 90% in that exam. And then you do your 60 case studies up to that, and then you do an actual exam on an examiner, so and you have to get either a 90 to 100% in that which I did get 100% which is good because she almost fell asleep, and she's never done that, or she said she was going tilting over. And she was, Oh, my God, I'm examining she said it three times. She goes, girl, you are meant for this. And it was funny, because as a Reiki Master that led me to reflexology, I kept getting the sign, sign, signs. And finally, I went to my Reiki master's house a year later almost, and she told me this giant peacock was standing on my foot. And I asked her, and she threw me Ted Andrews book, and I read it, and I'm like, Oh, my God, that's the modality. And I thought, How am I going to do this? I work, you know, I work like, three jobs, blah, blah, blah at the time as a single mom. And sure enough, my friend called me and she says, Listen, we're teaching trainer. We're teaching teachers. We're training trainers. We need students. Would you like to do your training? And I'm like, yes, she goes. It's half price. I went, bonus. So I did that, and I never looked back. So I love reflexology. I love helping people. I love to see people go from zero to 100 in their health. It's just It's brilliant, and people need to learn more about looking after themselves, especially men.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, they do. And because, you know here, if you're sitting, all the blood is going to your feet, and then your heart has to work so much harder to pump it back. And of course, I feel like it's socially more acceptable for women to take care of their feet than men. True, I do have some

Carrie Chilcott:

guys, but not very often. It's mostly women. Women are very they understand balance, they understand multitasking, they understand all of that. So to be in their shape. And you know, if their overall health working as healthy feet, absolutely your your feet gotta be in good health. They have to take you through the rest of your life. I don't want to be in a wheelchair. I'm not going to be in a wheelchair. I'm going to tell you that right now. I'm going from here to the woods when I go. That's where I'm going. But, yeah, you don't I don't understand how to get it through some of the Western society. Eastern society knows it. I have a few East Indian people that come to me and they call me Doctor. And I said, I'm not a doctor. And they go in my country, you would be because they don't have they do have some, but mostly it's all it's all practitioners. You know that there's 27 hospitals in in Asia that don't have surgeons, they have practitioners and ultrasound. And this ultrasound person will go in, and you have the practitioners around there chanting, and you can watch the actual tumor shrink. It's amazing. It's a belief we are human beings, but we're also more than that. We're spirit beings. Spirit first, when you have that power, we we limit ourselves on our own power. We can do anything, we can manifest anything. We can manifest our health. If you believe working with me and working with any other practitioner absolutely is beneficial, very beneficial, to your overall health, you know, I have one gentleman that he's so funny. I have to talk about men, because men don't do this often. But I have one gentleman, and guys are fun. He he rates me in beer. So he drinks beer. So after I'm finished, he'll go, Oh, that was a five beers, you know, because he feels so lucid. And so he goes, Oh, I'm gonna have to sit in my car for 20 minutes. You know, things like that, right? So it does work. And he was a skeptic, and his wife got it for him for his birthday, and he comes to me all the time now. So he's a believer.

Linda Orsini:

He's definitely a believer. Isn't that I'll have to get one for my husband and see I had. Would love it. But, yeah, I think the New Age man or, you know, of course, we don't just categorize people as male and female, but all beings. We're a Feet. Feet are universal.

Carrie Chilcott:

Absolutely, you have to walk and you have to sometimes run. I mean walking first, right? If you don't have feet, you're not walking. And then you can put a prosthesis in. But that's not comfortable. It's not comfortable. My friend has a has a leg. She lost the leg in a motorcycle accident, and she it's painful. She, she one time took it off in a bar and stuck it up on the side of the thing, and these guys were checking us out. She took her leg off and put her on the side, because we're both, we're both married at the time, and she looked and she went, and the guys just walked away. She goes, I'll get rid of them, but that's but she says it's really painful. It's very painful because it's not what we're used to. It's something that is foreign, trying to attach to our body and make us work.

Linda Orsini:

Well, you love feet. Like, I have to say that, I know, but I I personally, okay, I personally am a little squeamish, like, I think my feet are kind of pretty ish,

Carrie Chilcott:

girl, you got pretty feet.

Linda Orsini:

Thank you, but I don't think I could touch any person's like, everybody's foot, like, I just think I would be a little discriminating against feet, you know, the bunions and they just look I don't think I could do it.

Carrie Chilcott:

I love feet. I've always admired feet, just because my feet have been so I've gone through a lot of foot stuff. So I admire feet, and I admire people's feet, and yes, you have beautiful feet. I'm going to tell you that right now, the beautiful thing I like about reflexology is it's great for babies. I've been working on my grandson since he was born and he's he started walking at nine months. Because of his advancement, it takes him through everything. He crawled, he walked, he ran, or, excuse me, he crawled, he walks. Now he's runs. So he's 20 months old. He's very advanced in his physical course, and I believe that's all to do reflexology. Anybody that I've worked on their babies, they've said they've developed very nicely the way they're supposed to, you know. So I love working on babies. And I look,

Linda Orsini:

oh my goodness, I would love a baby's foot. I remember like kissing my little boy's baby feet. Oh my goodness, they're just so

Carrie Chilcott:

cute, right? And they're so great because they're so easy to work on, because you you take your whole thumb right across the you just go, flip flop, you know, that type of thing. So it's a lot, a lot less work. And then the parents consider with them all the time. You know, through breastfeeding or whatever, it's great to relax the baby and fallen asleep. And there's also ailments like colic, teening, oh my gosh, I help with my grandson's teething all the time. I mean, he's going to he's got a full mouth almost already. He's not even two. Wow, great. It is such reflexology is beyond magical. And I'm going to say that because I've seen some beautiful things happening, even for myself, like just for myself. Uh, I can't, I can't stress, working on your feet, looking after your feet. They take you through the rest of your life. You gotta look after your feet.

Linda Orsini:

Okay, that's I believe we have convinced people that they need to dive deeper into reflexology. So I will place all your links in the show notes, but I know that your name is not the same name as in your links, because Carrie Chilcot is not the same as the links your social media links. What is your social media links under?

Carrie Chilcott:

So the those Instagram is under mind, body, spirit balancer. So that's my Instagram, my my Facebook is definitely under my name. It's under me? Yeah.

Linda Orsini:

Well, great. Before we come to the end, I am asking a question to my guests, and I would like to ask you here now. So a call for love is about being aware of the state of your being. It's just noticing. So are you identifying with the ego, living from a place of separation, fear or lower vibrations. Or are you embracing a call for love, and when you find yourself out of alignment with your higher self, what do you do? Carrie, what do you do to realign and shift towards love and presence?

Carrie Chilcott:

I do a lot of breath work. I also do listen to frequencies, and my favorite, my ultimate, ultimate, favorite place to get connected and reground it and just align everything in my body is being out in the grass. I'll take my feet, my shoes off, and I'll stand in the in the grass or the dirt, and I'll just let the earth heal me. Because it is so important. We can go on a whole another topic, on grounding. I can go there, but it's so beneficial for me. And I just, I don't listen to the news. I don't listen to other things out there. I always for the highest and the best. Raise the vibration, whether I sing, whether I drum, you know, whatever I'm doing, I can't wait to do your class, by the way, too. When you get back, it's so exciting. And yoga, I'm sorry, but I really love yoga. I started yoga when I was 17, and I never off and on. I've gone off a little bit, but I've always, always, always been in my heart for yoga. I think it's brilliant for body mind.

Linda Orsini:

It's a practice on and off the mat.

Carrie Chilcott:

Yes, all the time. And do I have ego? Yes, sometimes I do. I'm going to say that because that's my human side, that as I say, my humans coming out. So sorry, but my humans coming out. But I try to stay in the love, and I really, and I love that you stay in the love because it's so important. If you look at my room right now, there's hearts, there's it says love everywhere. So I'm glad.

Linda Orsini:

I think that's why we get along and connect so well. I just, I just believe. You know, sometimes I said to a friend the other day, I think people think I'm too lovey dovey. But you know what, I was always apologizing or kind of toning down, and now I'm like, I don't want to I don't want to tone down. I I want to love freely and joyfully and with an open heart. And if that scares you away, then that's okay

Carrie Chilcott:

and it and like we said before, people are afraid of they don't know love. Humans don't understand the power of actual love. I mean, it's so brilliant.

Linda Orsini:

It is really brilliant. Okay, so if people want to get a hold of you, they're going to look under Facebook for your name, Perry Chilcot, and under Instagram, what are they going to look under? They're

Carrie Chilcott:

looking under, body, mind, spirit balancer, beautiful,

Linda Orsini:

beautiful. Yeah, that's excellent. Well, thank you for being on a call for love and thank you for caring about feet and helping us really recognize, once again, how important every part of our body is, but especially the feet in the self healing process. So from my heart to yours, Namaste.

Carrie Chilcott:

Namaste, my girl. Thank you. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, you're so beautiful. Thank you so you.

Show artwork for A Call For LOVE

About the Podcast

A Call For LOVE
A Call for LOVE invites you to nourish love for yourself and others. Love transcends time and space so together, we will invite gentle awareness into learning new tools to be present to any thoughts, feelings and actions that are keeping you separate from the infinite sources of love, kindness and compassion. We will explore practices to help open your heart to giving and receiving love more freely and hear conversations to uplift and expand your consciousness. As the founder of Global Wellness Education, Linda’s passion is rooted in supporting your heart, mind, body and spirit on the journey to self-love through self-compassion. If you’re not living a life of love for yourself or others, then there is A Call for LOVE. All love flows from self-love. Join the journey!

About your host

Profile picture for Linda Orsini

Linda Orsini

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact.

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else. Join a call for love.