Episode 13

Published on:

14th Mar 2023

Ayurveda, Balancing Body, Mind & Spirit in Sri Lanka with Sanjeewa Paris - Part 1 l S1E013

Often we ignore small aches and pains in our physical body until they become chronic. Then we create the time and space to seek medical treatment.

Why are we missing or even ignoring the warning signs?

Learn how to relieve unease in your body before it becomes a dis-ease with Sanjeewa Paris through Ayurveda, the science of life.

After learning the ancient traditions for healing from Sri Lankan monks, Sanjeewa shares how to keep your body healthy and how to heal it if it does become ill.

Sanjeewa and his healing team at the ocean resort called the Sign or Life and the jungle resort called the Spirit of Life, know the body and cater to healing the mind, body and spirit in Sri Lanka.

About the Guest:

Sanjeewa began his training in 1993 working with Dr. Pilapitia, the head of the Government Ayurveda Department in Sri Lanka. For the next 2-3 years he studied marma points and ancient massage techniques with Sri Lankan monks. Then, Dr. Hulangamuwa, a famous ayurvedic doctor, took him as a private student and taught him Ayurvedic Medicine, Theory and Philosophy for 2 years. Sanjeewa has also trained and built up Ayurveda departments in some of the most famous hotels in Sri Lanka. His local clients include the high society of Sri Lanka and he personally trains his own staff at his two resorts, the Sign and Spirit of Life, in Sri Lanka.

Links and Resources

Sri Lanka Ayurveda Healing Retreat Feb 18-25, 2024

Sign and Spirit of Life

FREE 7-Day Journal to Self-Love

About Linda:

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact. 

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.  

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? Join a call for love. 

Website - Global Wellness Education


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Linda Orsini:

Hello and welcome to a call for love. I believe the most powerful gift you can offer yourself is to give and receive love more freely. I'm your host Linda Rossini meditation guidance spiritual coach. Everyone has the desire to be seen, heard, respected and loved. The journey to becoming more connected to your greater purpose lies within the ability to live from the deep source of love within you. Let's begin.

Linda Orsini:

Often, we ignore small aches and pains in our physical body until they become chronic. These intrusive pains can really cause havoc in our daily lives, until eventually we've had enough and finally create the time and space to seek medical treatment. But I often wonder why do I wait for a little problem to become a big problem? Why are we missing or even ignoring the warning signs? I see it over and over again in my life and other people's lives. It's really mind boggling. I'm wondering what is your daily, weekly or even monthly practice to truly relieve unease in your body before it turns into dis ease? Have you ever considered not waiting until you're in pain or ill before seeking support for your health and well being? Well, this is a two part series on a call for love podcast. Part One today's episode entails a very enlightening talk I had with Sanjeewa Paris, who runs Ayurveda healing centers, located in Sri Lanka, just south of India in South Asia. Then next week's episode, we will dive deeper into what Ayurveda actually means and the treatments to support this practice at the ocean resort of the sign of life and at the jungle resort called the spirit of life. But today's episode is very important. And I really, really hope you listen right to the end, because you will find the gems. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says we're all spiritual beings living a human experience and our body is the vehicle Sanjeewa and his healing team know the body. After learning the ancient traditions for healing from Sri Lanka monks passed on from generation to generation Sanjeev are really shares how to keep your body healthy. And if it does become ill how to heal it. And when it becomes weak, sick or in pain, how to heal it through Ayurveda, which is the science of balancing the mind body and spirit to find greater health and vitality. While recording this message right here. I just completed two weeks at their resorts, and I experienced firsthand the huge benefits of daily Ayurveda herbal, dietary and massage treatments to heal my body from endless hours of working on the computer course everyday stress. I do suffer from anxiety, low iron, low energy, and frozen shoulder, let alone digestive issues, you may be able to relate. If you have any physical limitations or ailments, you will definitely want to hear this conversation in order to reclaim and really understand your health a little better to regain your flexibility, mobility, because we want to live the best life we can. We shouldn't be limited by ailments in the physical body when we can heal them. In fact, I was so blown away with the staff's expertise for healing at the sign of life and spirit of life that I will be hosting a retreat here in February 2024, which I'm super excited for. At the end of this episode, I will share more details about this retreat. But for now let's begin. Let's join together to hear Sanjeev has share his knowledge because if you're a listener, then I know your learner wanting to live healthier and happier today and every day.

Linda Orsini:

I am here with Sanjeewa from the Sign spirit of life. Hi Sanjeewa.

Sanjeewa Paris:


Linda Orsini:

Before we begin, which I'm really excited to I want to share a little story with you. Okay. Okay, so I wanted to go away this winter. I live in Ontario, Canada, and it's really cold, there's snow. And so I like to go somewhere warm, maybe February, January, February, March. And I kept on putting it out to the universe. Where should I go? Where should I go? So we looked at Hawaii, and then I looked at Mexico, but nothing worked. So I met Alicia and she's That but she's going to show up. And I set up Sri Lanka. So I went home to my husband. I said, I'm going away. He says, Where are you going? I said to show me. Where should I go? Well, I kind of know where it is. But I don't really know where it is. Yeah, because it's not a familiar destination for Canadian. Yes, yeah. Yes. So here I am. And I feel so blessed because you have really created a really beautiful two resorts sign of life and spirit of life. Can you tell us about them.

Sanjeewa Paris:

We other two results we have and we do Ayurveda, Ayurveda is totally new for Canadian people. They don't know much about it. It's like two in one that you do still enjoy the holiday you still really enjoy the weather sunny weather. And you can enjoy like for example in Santa Fe, the beach sunny weather or what you expected in normal holiday. You get it and here in spirit of life you you experience the land and experience the silence nature and all the birds and everything and same time. You get to treat yourself like in a healthy way. And yeah, of course you get good meals, wonderful treatments, I really treatments, massages and all the kinds of therapy what we do and treatments plus some other medic medicine stuff that we do but and all this so you can enjoy that that's like you hear in the same time you enjoy the holiday.

Linda Orsini:

I so in air Aveda because I do practice yoga in Canada. So my circle of friends are very familiar with IR VEDA. And so I know I are Veda is the science of life. Right? Yeah. So the here your two resorts are not just a resort because they actually cater to the Urvi. to science. Yes. Science of light. Yeah. And I know I'm on Day 10 Today, and I've had 10 Full Body massages. And I and 20 other treatments. Yeah. Other ahead face but are hands massage. Yeah. So I feel it's very decadent. Yeah. But it's not just a massage. I think it's very misleading to say it's a massage. Because I know I've had many, many massages in my life. But you had told me because I was so privileged to have a massage by you. Yes, yesterday. Yeah. And you had told me what would you do? Tell me about the monks. Yeah,

Sanjeewa Paris:

because I trained with month. And they were, you know, we have monks that who was living in jungles, and treating the normal people, because they they meditate most of the time. And sometimes when they have little bit free time, they treat them people who have problems like back pain, knee pain, shoulder injuries, headaches and so on. So they treat and I was very lucky to, you know, vote there and experienced this and help them and learn these things, the depths, that's really privileged that I got this teach me a lot of like, it's not only i Well, as I told you, it's Srilankan traditional medicine, they have lots of treatments, which is really deep and point like marma points are using them to to heal something's heal, to get the blood circulation going to start the nerves you know, free of nerve breakout, just start the Nerf start flowing. Again, you know, when you don't feel sometimes you feel so hands and, and things like that, that you can we can treat with this. But you have to really have the knowledge for this, and really need a lot of experience of doing it because it's not really easy. It's so that's why a good therapist really valued so high so much because it takes at least 15 years to become a traditional therapist. It's It's not like you learn something, you know, massage techniques and all this if you're really good at your hands, you can learn it like that. I mean, show me something I will do it right now. So that's that's that's a big, you know, but to be a real therapist still this because the nervous system, it's not easy. Doctors won't believe us when I when we say we can feel it. And it's like it's like guitar strings strings you know, we know exactly what we are playing what we are playing with what we are doing what exactly what know where it's going where it's heading and blessed blockage Exactly, we have to find the blockage and we have to take it out. So for that it's need, at least if you're a good one. Also experiment doesn't matter, because some are really good bye by intuition just yeah, it's just like it's in. Yeah, the it's in them. So then sometimes they are a little bit better than the because sometimes you stop. This is the thing. That's a therapist. Some people like I still don't. I still learned, and I didn't stop, I still can learn. I like new to work with new problems, new new conditions, with the pay the person, let's say, because you don't have to be sick to come here.

Linda Orsini:

No, because when I saw my friend, who I'm here with, she said that was healing your Aveda center. And I went home and I thought, well, I feel really healthy. Well, but here now, I've discovered muscles and knots that I never even knew I had in my body, right? Because I had frozen shoulder as you know, because you treated me yesterday. And I realized that no offense to the therapy that I've had so far in Canada, but if they just massage my shoulder, yeah. And I learned here that the pain is not just in my shoulder, you've traveled it up my neck, through my spine, under my arm through my whole arm to my fingertips. Can you tell us about how we think the person who doesn't know the body so much that the pain is just localized? But really, it's not a localized pain? That's

Sanjeewa Paris:

No, no, exactly. Because when it's only showing you in one place, the problem, okay, that's the base, let's, let's see, it's showing you in the shoulders, it's can join you in your elbows, then they say tennis elbow, or whatever, then they show the shoulders and then it comes to fingers. But point in a pain is normally point into one certain area. But the problem is, this whole system is not. So we if we just work on the place where the pain is, the problem is, the thing is, we Okay, for some time, it's good. But because of the connected to different areas, if you don't clear this other areas as well, the problem is coming really soon back to you again. So it's like, Really, okay, some sometimes it's better, but after you reach it coming back, so you need to find out, that's the thing, you have to find out where exactly the main blockage are, are run run to. So you have to clear all the lines. So otherwise, it's not properly done. That's a lot of mistakes. Sometimes people do, just concentrate on this area and just do something there. It's, it's, I think there's always a when you have a problem, like in the body, like especially like me, that whole thing is blocked, like from your back from your lower back on both sides. So everything is blocked. So everything you need to clear it out. It's like it's like a like a pumping. Like, if you think about a car or something, it the the lines and everything has to flow. And if that one point is not really is blocked, or not really pumping, it's a problem. So we have to clear the whole system in this place in this area and check it and clear out every blockage that then the problem, most of the time the problem is really handled.

Linda Orsini:

This is how I felt, I know that a lot of your clientele here are European or German, I met a lot of German people. But as Canadians honestly, I have to tell you that I feel you know, having 20th or, or I think it's like 30 massage or whatever. I feel a little indulgent, like I feel like Why Why? Why should I have so many massages, like, like, it's too much I shouldn't take so much I don't have a right to have so much. It's an interesting. So I decided that when I was going through this experience that I was going to do it exactly the way that you have prescribed for all your clients. And I was going to be open to everything. And what I found is that my friend, she was open right away, and she felt exhausted and went really went through her body. And because I had a little bit of a resistance, like do I deserve it? And you know, it's very decadent, that now after how many massages. I'm kind of really letting go and thinking I'm really feeling it in my body, my whole energy system. And it's really remarkable Ball, how the body speaks, and how we do not know how to listen. So I've learned here to let go to to trust in your hope prescribe medicine and program. And now I'm really really feeling the benefits because I think you need more than one week, don't you?

Sanjeewa Paris:

Yes, exactly. That's really one week is really little, at least more than 10 days, the to recommend, because we can't do much in one week. That's why we keep it right. But we don't that you don't have so much holidays, you know. And so we have to be also gentle, in a way, and we have to finish the problem, finish your problems, at least get it into good condition, if you have a problem. Or if it's starting in your body, you don't know, we have to take it out before it shows up. Before it shows you then it's it's hard to get it out. And we mistake what we are doing is we wait until it shows up. So we have do more treatments to you. So we have to offer you the maximum treatment time that we can offer you and I as a small place, I try to do much, much treatments to the client so they can have a really good treatment program. That's it's it's nearly like, Okay, it's done. It's okay, I had the whole cake, you know, not just the icing or something. So I eat those things. So you have the whole program, that's, that's our aim. That's not many places do that. Because when you have too much plans, you can't do it. So maximum plans is one place is 12. So we can we can arrange that. So they get get this. That's why you're getting more treatment. So you enjoy it. And it's very nice. You open up you know that sometimes Europeans also, they they they really don't open up why you do this, why you do that? Why you do this? And it's really nice when you open up and say yeah, let's let's do it, let's do it, we do it. And then we can come and work like we want and how it should be really good, right? Do like tailor made massage smart treatments to you. So it's nice time. And so you have your time. So we have somehow fill this gap. So that's why you have more treatments here than the other places. But it's nice, you know that? It's really It's for your body. It's it's, it's, you feel it, you feel the difference?

Linda Orsini:

I have to agree with you. And you know, I as I was a teacher for over 30 years. So I'm really very particular about certain things. And I have to tell you that it is so beautifully run Dementieva because there's three treatments times a day, you rotate the the massage therapists, they all are trained so beautifully, so respectfully. And they are just so wholehearted in their practice, that it's just not a massage. It's just not a robot thing. It is a healing center. What kind of clientele do you get? What if a person was thinking of coming to sign a spirit of lights? What do you feel they walk away with? What is the transformation?

Sanjeewa Paris:

Okay, you know, it's also like a holiday, as I told you, and when you want to, like, Okay, you go to normal holiday and you had to refine your return some food, food costs. And yeah, you can go and say, oh, yeah, I gained a little bit weight. And this holidays, I had a little bit you drink more wine and something. And when you come here, you're already protected from these kinds of things. You know, you don't do unnecessary stuff, but you still enjoying your holiday, and you're doing something to your body. And normally you like I'm gonna do it for you. That night, may do the stretching for you. We do the bending, we do the soap when you go from this holiday. You take that definitely tissue you are more flexible, flexibility, flexibility is much more better. So you're more flexible, and you have more strength in your body. It's not really like Veep or something. So you have more strength. And if you have little problems, like I had a knee problem, I couldn't walk. I couldn't jog and then this kind of problem. We settled them 90% of them. We settled here. So you can go back and do your normal stuff like start jogging, start hiking, again, start biking again, these things you can start again because some people stop and all the doctors are saying when you juggle and whoever it is Benito Stop it. I mean it gets worse. And yeah, it devastates me except do it. And that's the thing because you, it's good to be physically fit and physically maintain your physical strength and energy and ability. So this all are, are really benefited from our tests, and you get it when you're going. So you can start things that you stop. And so many people from after here, they told me essentially, when we I stopped jogging, and some that I stopped playing tennis because I had tennis elbow and I, and they tell me Sunday when we start again, it's really great. And this. So it's also great for us to hear these things. And so it's motivate us to do more and more than this, this, this keeps us going.

Linda Orsini:

Well, you're right, it is a beautiful resort, because I've been swimming, I've gone on some excursions, some beautiful experiences, but then I get here. And you know, we always think that we have to be sick, in order to experience healing. And it's not true because just living a normal life, for instance, on the computer, or in this modern society, we're going to get physical ailments, and especially, you know, with the mind, worry, anxiety, stress, especially since COVID. I know hear you call it Corona. I think a lot of people are plagued with that,

Sanjeewa Paris:

of course, things that we wait until the body's showing us, hey, those aren't things have a pain here. We wait for that. And we don't notice before, we don't even think we have this problem, we recite slight pain we okay, this is good, forget it, yes, don't worry about it too much, then it got to get worse. But when you come to a place like this, you don't need to be sick. You know, because we check your condition. And we it's like, okay, if it's starting of something starting like if it's starting other arthritis, or rheumatism, and like the joint worst cases, and we find it early, and then we treat you to get it over with. So that means you're not going to get it it's like let's say in within one, two years, you're going to, you're going to feel this pain. But when you come here, it's going to really go back another few years. So it's really benefit B, it's not for really sick people, it's for the healthy ones, to keep the healthy going healthy healthiness and keep it going. You know, that's, that's the main thing. One time you collapse and break down and then it's too late. And so this and then we need operational and something like this. So it's better for everyone. It's now a lot of young people are really interested in our weather.

Linda Orsini:

Well, I noticed that, you know, sitting around the table, where we eat all the time, six times seven times, five times people come every year. Yes. Which, you know, what? In the service industry, but I believe that's your highest compliment. Yeah, when somebody returns Yeah, and somebody spreads it, I think is a very high compliment. So this podcast is called a call for love. And I always say that you can be in two places you can be in a place of love. Or you can there is a call for love. So it's for your body to your body is like your temple, you know, inside is your spirit in your heart. And then we have our physical body and we beat it up. We abuse it if for no better word to say. And we are the least mindful of it. Because we probably I heard once that people know more about their cars than they do about their body. Yeah. And so here, not only with the treatments, but if for instance, you really educated me on my frozen shoulder and how I have to work it out through the lymph nodes and all the meridians and pull it out. Yeah, because it becomes stuck energy. I always say it's like a hose. You know, when you close the hose, the water doesn't matter. And you want to open it up. I love both your places. The Spirit of Life is where we're recording now. And it's the jungle experience. Yeah. And then the sign of life is right on the Indian Ocean. And today I went in it was quite intense. The waves are quite rough, but I realized this was the full moon and I was thinking you have the most perfect spot on that beach. It's just right in the cove protected it's a really beautiful little place.

Sanjeewa Paris:

Yes, of course because you know it this place is not belongs to me. I running you know, and I I didn't have money, you know, I'm just I'm 30 so,

Linda Orsini:

and you live in Sri Lanka. After Lanka, so

Sanjeewa Paris:

not much money and this place, I see the jewel of this place, but nobody built it up. Not the owner, not the people who are doing it. I used to work there for somebody. And I thought, oh my god, this place can be read. It's a small place, but it's a nice located the because it's not directly looking at the sea. So it's looking at the Long Beach. And it's like in a corner, because this big rock is like a corner and protection protected. And then just a Long Beach and not many touristic big places, you know, so you have this own peaceful beach there. So this is a really special place.

Linda Orsini:

You had a vision. And you know what, I always believe that when you're serving from your heart and for the good of people, I think the universe wants you to succeed.

Sanjeewa Paris:

I think so that's my big my belief. And you know, what I say to myself always is like, you know, everybody worried about numbers. And this business was down because I was four years out of this business. And I went to meditate for four years. Oh, you were in a meditation for four years. Wow, continuously. And so we're in this time I came back and it's like, totally, totally damaged, because I was not there. And then some people came to me friends and said, Sanjay, look at these numbers. We had obtained the numbers and blah, blah. I said, No, don't worry about it. I'm like, what I'm going to do is we do all right, quality job, the rest will automatically happen.

Linda Orsini:

Yes, I agree that

Sanjeewa Paris:

rest will come you don't need to worry about this talk to people it's going to come are we going to have a really successful time No, do the job properly, make the people happy, make them treat, treat them right and do the good job. Business will automatically follow this. And it's it's, I think it's always like this, to do a good job, it will be successful. And so we are doing it from the heart, I do it from the heart, I try to do always a little bit more trying to improve the place try to improve the treatment all the time, so I don't stop in place. So next time you come you'll see alternatives now, right? Yeah, you're going to add this time, then we're going to add and add to the program and do a little bit more. And so it's always nice to do, you know, development in this direction. So the people over last year also at the same, that's why they come you know, not 12 times they come imagine they

Linda Orsini:

I can't imagine going to the same size 12 times, but I can use their own me. Nobody ever going to have another massage. I don't even know how but good news. Yeah, I'm going to host a retreat here. February, March 2024.

Sanjeewa Paris:

Oh, wow. That's really, really great news.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah. So we're going to be working it out now. And I will share that but I'm very excited because I think Sri Lanka is a hidden gem. Yes.

Sanjeewa Paris:

Yes. Exactly. Exactly. It and we would also like to have this. Like, can people from Canada, you know, we, because it's so far away?

Linda Orsini:

It is very far away. I have to say but you know what? I know Canadians that go to Hawaii. I know. They go to India, Cambodia, Australia. Why not Sri Lanka ?

Sanjeewa Paris:

Yeah. Yeah. And I think they don't know much about they don't

Linda Orsini:

and you know what? I feel like, I want to share that message.

Sanjeewa Paris:

That's really great. But thank you very much for that.

Linda Orsini:

Okay, well, this was a great interview. I we're gonna have another part to this interview next week on the podcast where we talk about Ayurveda. But for now, I want to thank you for this interview.

Sanjeewa Paris:

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for everything and because this is really also helping us and so people will know about us. That's really, really great. So we will have it's opened a new door for us, you know,

Linda Orsini:

and and forget I'm for its people who want to hear the message, who it resonates with, they will hear it. So thank you.

Sanjeewa Paris:

Oh, thank you very much.

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About the Podcast

A Call For LOVE
A Call for LOVE invites you to nourish love for yourself and others. Love transcends time and space so together, we will invite gentle awareness into learning new tools to be present to any thoughts, feelings and actions that are keeping you separate from the infinite sources of love, kindness and compassion. We will explore practices to help open your heart to giving and receiving love more freely and hear conversations to uplift and expand your consciousness. As the founder of Global Wellness Education, Linda’s passion is rooted in supporting your heart, mind, body and spirit on the journey to self-love through self-compassion. If you’re not living a life of love for yourself or others, then there is A Call for LOVE. All love flows from self-love. Join the journey!

About your host

Profile picture for Linda Orsini

Linda Orsini

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact.

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else. Join a call for love.