
Published on:

11th Apr 2023

Who Am I? - Meditation #1

This guided meditation is inspired by last week's episode #16, Discover Who You Really Are and should not be listened to while driving.

Allow me to gently guide you into a soothing meditation to help quiet your racing mind and connect you to the essence of who you really are. 

This meditation will invite you to:

  • Realize you are more than your thoughts, feelings and even physical body
  • create stillness and find calm within your mind and body
  • focus on your breath, and listen to the stillness within

Links and Resources

Linda's Website: Global Wellness Education

Discover Who You Really Are l S1E016

A Call for Healthier Sleep Hygiene l S1E015

About Linda:

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact. 

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.  

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? Join a call for love. 

Website - Global Wellness Education


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Linda Orsini:

Welcome to today's meditation. My name is Linda Orsini. And I'd like to guide you into a deep self awareness meditation where you can connect with your inner self, your inner resource. So finding a very comfortable seated or lying down position, I'd like you to take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale it out through your mouth. Taking another deep inhale through your nose, and exhale, releasing the breath out through the mouth. As you slowly soften into this time and space, I'd like your exhales to be longer than your in house, just so that you can invite your nervous system to slowly soften and invite that parasympathetic nervous system into relaxation. As you begin to draw it inward. I'd like to ask you a few questions and ask these questions of yourself. Without lingering to the answers very long. Who am I? Who sees the room I am meditating? Who hears the sounds around me? Who feels the clothes against my skin? Who tastes the food from my last meal? who touches the chair or bed or floor that I am meditating on? Who am I? Welcome to the journey to let go of resisting who you believe yourself to be and instead opening up and being free enough to know who you are, at your deepest level. Are you willing to let go or these ponder on the realization that you're not actually who you believe yourself to be. In fact, when you think about it, you may notice that you are actually projecting your sense of self worth and identity onto things outside of yourself rather than inside.

Linda Orsini:

Often the reflection of what is going on within us is actually happening outside of ourselves. So I like you to invite a little movie screen onto the back of your mind. As you rest here. Imagine that you receive a message from a friend letting you know they would like to drop by thing Yes, you quickly glance around your space and notice that it is in disarray. There's a clothesline around dishes in the sink, dust on the floor. And generally it is a little bit unkept. Even though you have a beautiful space, you've been busy and haven't kept up. You really love your home. But it's a mess at the moment. But you can think of your inner self as your messy home. There are people things and even memories that have literally littered your mind. And just like if you cleaned your home, it would look and feel great if you cleaned up your thoughts, all those feelings and all those sorts of sensations. The look and feel nicer inside of you too.

Linda Orsini:

You could think of your inner self as your messy home. There may be people things and memories that have literally littered your mind and just like if you cleaned your home, it would look and feel great if you could clean up all those angst, all those thoughts that cause you pain and suffering

Linda Orsini:

all those feelings and sensations to look and feel nicer inside of you to maybe you find that you're always trying to clean up outside of yourself by teaming up and sorting through really difficult and challenging relationships, or maybe a very demanding career, or job, maybe physical health, or things to help you feel better inside. But fixing your outside world to fix the inside is not what is actually required. No healing is an inside job. So let's begin to draw deeper inward. And realize that there are three things you experience that affects your inner world. First, all this stuff comes through your senses. Yes, your sight yourself and your touch your smell, you're hearing these trigger thoughts. You judge your experience of your five senses. And that can disturb your meditative mind. The outside influences through the senses, create thoughts in your mind. The thoughts create feelings. And that is what we want to notice today.

Linda Orsini:

In fact, you are not your body, your mind and your emotions, you are the consciousness behind it. I propose that you can live lighter with peace, and not be disturbed by the outside world. If you choose to be the observer. Observe your experiences and let them go by surrendering and accepting what is going on around you feel and know the absolute pure and peaceful energy of your soul that is not influenced by anything else, except his own energy. If you could imagine every moment passing by you like the frames of a movie, and not judge them, then you could actually remain centered into your truest self perfect whole and complete energy, then cannot be created or destroyed. You can be your consciousness that is always experiencing them, but not becoming them. Because just like a moving images, they always change. Can you allow yourself to be conscious of being conscious. You are the conscious receiver that is distracted by seeing yourself outside of yourself in the external world, your mind and emotions. So let's see how we can feel how we can be the observer by coming into a meditation where we tap into our inner resource. As you begin to fall deeper into this present moment, allow the question Who am I to soften. And I'd like you to imagine that your physical body is like the ocean or the surface of your body, all your skin is like the surface of the ocean. waves coming in and going out gentle currents and no matter what is going on in your external world that it's touching your physical senses. You just notice you are the observer of the ways of the senses washing over you where you can hear see feel touch and taste. But that is on the outside of you. So on the surface and just like the ocean, if you will under that current surface of the ocean. You can hear it but it's muffled. So as we got deeper into ourselves, we go into the thoughts and just observe the thoughts allow them to be muted and a little bit separate from my sensations if we can notice our physical sensations notice our thoughts surrender to any emotions or feelings that come up and be the observer, we can drive deeper down beneath the ocean, beneath our external self, to find that deep quiet, that deep piece where it's very still, or it's very silent as you drop down into this inner self, just below the beat of your heart. Notice the energy, the spark, beneath the beat of your heart, the energy field that observes everything above you notice and feel the essence of that vibration. To be very peaceful, perfect or incomplete. not faking, feeling, wanting, wishing. But just being the observer of your energy, your deepest inner self who am I? Who am I at this deepest place? And breathe here in this gentle quiet moment until you hear the sound of the Bell

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About the Podcast

A Call For LOVE
A Call for LOVE invites you to nourish love for yourself and others. Love transcends time and space so together, we will invite gentle awareness into learning new tools to be present to any thoughts, feelings and actions that are keeping you separate from the infinite sources of love, kindness and compassion. We will explore practices to help open your heart to giving and receiving love more freely and hear conversations to uplift and expand your consciousness. As the founder of Global Wellness Education, Linda’s passion is rooted in supporting your heart, mind, body and spirit on the journey to self-love through self-compassion. If you’re not living a life of love for yourself or others, then there is A Call for LOVE. All love flows from self-love. Join the journey!

About your host

Profile picture for Linda Orsini

Linda Orsini

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact.

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else. Join a call for love.