Episode 35

Published on:

19th Sep 2023

Travelling For Transformation with Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits l S1E035

If you're seeking captivating, and adventurous travel that offers a transformative experience, this episode is a must-listen!"

You Will Learn:

  • The Transformative Power of Retreats: Explore how immersing yourself in new lands, cultures, and adventures can ignite and inspire personal transformation.
  • Choosing the Right Retreat: Learn how to find a retreat that aligns with your desires, whether it's a day retreat, a weekend escape, or an extended journey. Understand the importance of selecting the right destination, experience, and group to meet your needs.
  • Community and Connection: Explore the significance of community and connection in the world of retreats, and how these experiences can lead to lifelong friendships and personal growth.

Remember, the journey to self-discovery and well-being is an adventure worth embarking upon.

Linda's Links

Global Wellness Education Website 

Linda's Retreats

Sri Lanka Retreat Feb 25 - Mar 3, 2024

Ayurveda, Balancing Body, Mind & Spirit in Sri Lanka with Sanjeewa Paris - Part 1 l S1E013

Ayurveda Healing Treatments to Relieve Stress and Anxiety with Sanjeewa Paris - Part 2 l S1E014

About the Guest:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits is not just a traveller; she's a passionate advocate for wellness travel, retreats, and lifestyle experiences. As a wellness tourism influencer and ambassador, she partners with global wellness destinations and retreats, spreading love and well-being within the growing wellness tourism market.

With an unquenchable thirst for adventure, Andrea has explored over 40 countries and graced countless properties worldwide, making her a true wanderlust enthusiast.

Today, we'll delve deep into Andrea's journey, her mission to foster love and well-being through travel, and her insights into how you can infuse your life with love and holistic living.

Andrea's Links




Book a consultation at www.souljournadventure.as.me.

About Linda:

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact. 

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.  

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else? Join a call for love. 

Website - Global Wellness Education


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Linda Orsini:

Hello and welcome to a call for love. I believe the most powerful gift you can offer yourself is to give and receive love more freely. I'm your host Linda Orsini meditation guidance spiritual coach. Everyone has the desire to be seen, heard, respected and loved. The journey to becoming more connected to your greater purpose lies within the ability to live from the deep source of love within you. Let's begin.

Linda Orsini:

Welcome everybody to call for love the Podcast where we explore the power of love connection and personal transformation. And I'm your host Linda Orsini. And today we have a very special guest who embodies the essence of love and connection in her life's work. This is Andrea and she's not just a traveler. She's a passionate advocate for wellness, travel retreats and lifestyle experiences. She actually is a wellness, tourism influencer and Ambassador she partners with global wellness destinations and retreats, spreading love and well being within the growing wellness tourism market. And with an unquenchable thirst for adventure, we had talked about that Andrea and I before she's very adventuresome as I am. I guess that's why we really connected. In any case, Andrea has explored over 40 countries and graced countless properties worldwide, making her a true wanderlust enthusiast. And today, we'll dive deeper into Andrea's journey, her mission to foster love and well being through travel, which is my mission to we have so many parallels. So welcome, Andrea, to a call for love.

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Thank you so much. And thank you for such a beautiful introduction. I am thrilled to be here and in front of your audience.

Linda Orsini:

Well, I'm thrilled that you're here. Because as this airs is just beginning that people are thinking about traveling. Well, I don't know about other people, but I'm always thinking about traveling. It's just gonna say, I don't think it's any particular time. But I wanted to talk with you today about travel. And when I mean travel, there's all sorts of diverse types of travel. But I'm talking about the travel that is an adventure, that's an experience for you, in your studies and your experience. What do you find a very valuable experience for people who want to really dive into some transformation or an experience that is going to stretch them and grow them?

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yeah. So I mean, this is how I started my journey with soldier an adventure, which is a business I founded. In 2014, I had gone on my first solo retreat and had a very profound transformational experience. While on retreat, you know, I was on my own for the first time traveling, however, I was amongst a group. And it was a very profound experience, I was in the corporate world, I was going through stress burnout from being in a very high power position, and was just going through the motions of needing to change and just really needing some assistance and guidance along that way. So after taking this transformational retreat, I definitely knew I needed to help others by inspiring them connecting and guiding them to experiences like the one that I had. And I believe that the space is very conducive to it as well as the retreat experience. So that's why I started soldier an adventure was to help others really be that concierge and connect them to these places.

Linda Orsini:

It's so true, because we want to be with our families and friends when we travel. And sometimes we want completely new experiences like solo traveling. And I find also that when I'm traveling with somebody who's really close to me, their experience can influence my experience. So that is not always necessarily a good thing. Because you want to really embody the whole adventure with your mindset and your growth because I find I can get very influenced. That's why I really promote people other venturing a little bit by themselves or going with new people, which is very scary. And I do cater to women in my retreats. And some women are very scared to go on a retreat with people they don't know you What advice would you give to them?

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yeah, that's such a great point. I've heard it all, you know, in the past 10 years of doing this, it is a very scary experience, especially if it's the first time that you, you know, may have traveled on your own, and I have to always put myself in those shoes. So I definitely, you know, hear, feel and appreciate the fear based thoughts that go into the process of choosing a retreat, and actually, you know, packing and doing all the prep work for that. But I cannot tell you that the people that end up showing up on retreat, that group that all comes together, I feel like everyone is there, intentionally. And I do think that there's so much that you can gain from definitely traveling on your own, but with others, and you learn so much from each other. So I do feel that there's such a strong need for people to be amongst a like minded community. And you know, usually the individuals that pick and select a certain retreat will have that sort of like mindedness that perhaps you're seeking and are looking for the exact same type of experience.

Linda Orsini:

I agree, because I'm hosting a retreat in Sri Lanka. And it's an Ayurveda retreat. And that's not going to be for everybody, because I've had many people reach out to me, what is Ayurveda? And what is it all about, because there's no alcohol, there's no caffeine, and there's no sugar because it's a healing experience with daily massages, etc. And people who are coming and looking for that kind of retreat, sad, that intention, have that mindset for healing coming into their body and finding some essence in nature, and in themselves. And that is so true, that a title of a retreat or a location of a retreat, and all those intricacies can really drive this right person to the venue. And then you have to trust that the people that you're going to meet are going to add to your experience, and sometimes mostly great, but then always learning experiences, too.

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yeah, and honestly, from the treats that I've personally taken, some of my greatest and dearest friends were formed from these retreats. And it's why I have such a global community and network of people is because I've met these individuals while on a retreat type of experience. And it's something that you go through together and you go through this transformation together. And it's such a beautiful experience, especially if you are doing healing and deep work like you would in an RV Vedic experience. So it's it's such a gift, and it's such a beautiful offering. And Ayurveda is so beautiful. And I think that there is more need for these type of retreat. So thank you for sharing this type of experience with the world. And I hope you know, the right individuals do find and connect with you.

Linda Orsini:

Oh, you know, I always I really, really trust in the process. And you know, you put an intention out there, and then you let it go. And it all goes unfold so beautifully. I have to share I guide meditation, and I also host day and weekend retreats. In any case, there were two women who had never known each other who met at the retreat weekend. And they saw each other in the studio hallway. And I saw them talking and laughing and giggling and warmed my heart because they actually met at the retreat that I hosted. And I felt a real deep gratitude. And it's really beautiful to see how friendships can develop, and how I can develop to by meeting all these different people.

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yeah, we really, truly do learn so much from each other. And I think that's the beautiful thing about you know, being able to host retreats as a facilitator is to see that, but like you mentioned to, you know, we do this to grow as well. Right. This is this is deep personal development for us as teachers and facilitators. So, you know, we need people who are willing to step outside the comfort zone and take these type of retreat experiences and do that for us as well as for themselves.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, I agree. Thank you. And I know that you have traveled over 40 countries. Nice. That's my goal. I just think that is so amazing to have all those experiences, all those changes in culture and climate. How wonderful is that? Do you have any highlights that you want to share with us?

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yes, I mean, for me, I absolutely adore travel. It's my passion. I went to school for this. I'm very adventurous, but I would say actually, I've been quite grounded here. in Canada for the past year and a half after you know, the pandemic, and I, you know, do have a lust for travel, and I have some, you know, plans that I'd like to experience. But I feel so blessed with all of the countries I've been able to visit, but it is Costa Rica that was just so near and dear to my heart. But I always go back to my first experience in that country, which was about 10 years ago. And it was personally my my first solo retreats, because it just completely changed my life. And I was, you know, like I mentioned before, and the corporate world was heading down a different direction, I was married at that time, had a house in Oak fell, and I just knew something wasn't in alignment. And my body was not was feeling that as well, because I was not as healthy as I wanted to be. And I knew that I needed to take some time out to really understand what it was that I needed for myself. So definitely taking that time out and working on my own self care practice. But I think a lot of the common theme between these countries is just the spiritual nature, the people, the culture, the food, the landscapes, just all have that common theme. And there is a deep healing that seems to happen when you're amongst these type of places. So it's actually my goal now to just discover these destinations and the worlds that have those elements of deep healing, so that I could, you know, go through my own journey, but also helped to inspire others and guide them to these, you know, places that might be remote or less known.

Linda Orsini:

Yes, I agree. That's why I always like to travel somewhere I haven't been before because when I first went to Sri Lanka, I was like, I've never been there. I haven't been to India, which is on my list too. But the Indian Ocean, all the temples, all the all the culture. So many places offer so many different experiences, I feel like a want to enjoy them all.

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yeah, it's true. And you know, what the places like Sri Lanka that you're offering, these retreats and our countries that I know, individuals want to go to, but they are scared to go on their own. So it is important, I think, to you know, find a retreat and a group that really resonates with them. And yours is such a beautiful offering. So I really do, you know, inspire others to kind of search out their look or connect with a concierge like myself that could help them by it's, it's great to be able to be guided by a host that knows the area and you've been before. So you have that experience and that knowledge of the destination.

Linda Orsini:

I know that sometimes with my friends or my family, they want a certain experience, and then I am desiring another experience because I am in the wellness field. And sometimes that means that I need to actually travel by myself in order to really feel that longing to fill that desire. And I could maybe take two trips, one that suits them. And then one that really feels a nurtures me, but for the people listening on a call for love, how would they go about really finding what they are longing for?

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yeah, it's a great question. So it's actually why I started and created soldier an adventure because even you know, myself, I was in the travel industry for many years. And you know, I was burning out, it didn't really know what to do, where to go, you know, about 10 years ago, there wasn't very many retreats. And I just felt like I was Googling or, you know, connecting with, you know, other like minded friends. And I, you know, definitely was fortunate to find my way to Costa Rica on a retreat. But I saw that there was this niche of helping others go through this experience. So I sub believe that there are, you know, individuals out there women and men who need a wellness retreat or some type of experience on their own, whether it is just even a day retreat, just to have some time out, to self reflect, to take time to rejuvenate, relax, you know, reinvent yourself is really truly what what goes on in these type of transformational experiences. So there, you know, are so many options out there now, and this is why soldier and adventure was born was to help others guide and to guide them to these options around the world.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, I think that what you're offering is very needed now for people who are wanting a little bit more I know, our economy is quite intense right now, and a lot of people are struggling. So we want to make sure that we are getting the experience that we're looking for. And that's why I feel that offering different kinds of retreats like I do one day, one week, one weekend, and even other people that I know who are offering retreats, when you can really plan that, then you can still steal that need. Because, as I say, this economy, you may not have the time or the resources for going on many retreats. So you really want to make sure you nail it, that you really get your needs met.

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Absolutely, yeah. And I and I believe that there is a retreat out there for everyone. And there's a right destinations, there are so many great offerings, like you're offering, you know, certain day retreats, that might be just simply what you may need is just one day out or a weekend, a soldier an adventure is, you know, take on a sojourn, which is just a quick getaway. And that's what I always had, you know, for saw is that that's really what sometimes we need is just a little bit of a pause in our everyday life and take some time out to, you know, go through that process. And that's transformation. That's not to say, you know, taking two to three months, and having an experience of, you know, staying in a country like Italy or Costa Rica, I think that works for some as well. But it can be simple as well, it also could be as simple as just taking time out in your own home. And that's you know how I had to pivot during COVID pandemic, because I was solely focused on travel and retreats. But when we didn't have that opportunity to travel, it was just how do you find that self care within? How do you find that time in your own home in your own space?

Linda Orsini:

Well, that's a really good point, because sometimes that's all we can do this all we can manage in the moment, especially if you have small children or elderly parents. Have you noticed that there's any people that you have supported in a journey that lasted a month or two?

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yes, yeah, I mean, absolutely doesn't have to, you know, just be a week long, I often say sometimes, too, it's easier to get an open ended ticket, because what I find is that a lot of people do not want to come back. And you know, what, if you actually, you know, are really in it, and you really want to have a profound experience, and you really want to try something new. I am all for just going and seeing what happens and, you know, having that type of experience of freedom, and you know, not necessarily having to come back if if that, you know, works for your lifestyle.

Linda Orsini:

Oh, my goodness, I think if I went to Bali, I might want a one way ticket, but my husband and family might be nervous about that. It's something to think about in the future that yes, certainly on my list, I and you know, there's been, for instance, I am such a desire to go to Hawaii for so long. And now it's just faded away, I don't have a desire to go to Hawaii anymore.

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: You got to trust those colleagues. I mean, yeah, things come and have some flows. For me, the one thing that keeps coming up is California and I haven't yet had the experience that I wanted to in California. And I just it's always the signs keep coming up. So I know all eventually get there. But it's just not in my divine timing. So I do believe that these destinations are put into, you know, our soul for a reason. We're meant to go to a particular country, if that's where we feel called to go, or even with people, right, you know, there's certain energy that we're gravitated toward, we have to trust that I remember when I was choosing my retreat, I felt very called to go on this particular retreat, and it was all about igniting the divine in power within myself. And at that stage of my life. That's exactly what I needed. So I think sometimes these retreat titles too, can call to us. And not only just the destination, but now there's so many different offerings. So it's really important to take a look and see what will happen on the retreat, you know, does that experience really align with you? Is this something that you want to do on a daily basis? Because, you know, some of them have a very strict schedule, some are very open, and it's just, you know, can you really see yourself? Do you want to be hiking every day? Do you want to be doing yoga? Do you want to be meditating? Do you want to be in spa treatments? And this is why a lot of times to I customize and and craft retreats for solo travelers, because they want to sort of choose their own adventure.

Linda Orsini:

Yeah, there has to be some time in the retreat for you to express your own needs to be met. For instance, I have been on many, many retreats and some I've been very rigid schedules. And when you mentioned that I felt like this tenseness in my stomach, because I thought, yes, it's an experience I wanted. But also I don't want to come back home exhausted, I really appreciate that. A retreat has some flexibility. That's just for me anyways,

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: it's so true. And we always hear about that hear this, I was never an all inclusive type of traveler, ever since I was younger, I don't necessarily resonate with that. And I always hear people coming back from vacation being like, Oh, I just see another vacation. I'm so tired. And I truly believe that when you go on, you know, a retreat, or a wellness experience, you should feel growth, you should feel rested, you should feel rejuvenated. That's the intention. That's why sometimes you know, you're paying these high priced tickets, you want to shift you want to change, you don't want to come back, needing to spend another couple grand on another vacation. I'm a true believer in the value of retreats. There is it's it's invaluable. It's priceless. What really happens on a retreat.

Linda Orsini:

I agree. It's the destination is the venue, it's the experience, it's the land, it's the culture, it's the people, it's the transformation, it's the growth, it's just a beautiful package. And it's just such a fantastic opportunity to learn and grow with your friends that you know, on your own or in community.

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yeah, it's true. It's, it's very empowering to take that step and to take that leap of faith. And I do believe that so many are feeling called to do it. But there is a little bit of that fear mindset, what I love to do is also helping coach clients along that way. And I have, you know, a group where I try to inspire others, and you know, take some time to really think it through. Sometimes it takes a years for someone to make that decision. And you got to think about it as a personal growth investment.

Linda Orsini:

I love that. So can you share with us how people can get ahold of you?

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yeah, so I do offer consultations. And you can reach me it's soul journey adventure, which is my business name.az.me to book in a consultation. Currently, I'm actually reinventing and rebuilding my website, but it is soldier and.com. I am heavily on the social media platforms, I love to share my journey on Instagram, especially I love photos, and I love imagery. And I love quotes. So I use that a lot to inspire others. So you can find me at soldier and adventure on Instagram and Facebook. And then I also do have two private groups. They run which I have a group for women and I just started a group for men. I felt very called to work with men. I've helped so many women out over the years. It's been almost a decade of helping women, you know, find these destinations. And last year, I thought this poll to help men out as well. So I decided to start a group on Facebook and hope to inspire men as well to take these journeys.

Linda Orsini:

Oh, that's awesome. I had a friend who always wanted to go on a retreat for men, and I will certainly share that with them. A few.

Linda Orsini:

Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits: Yeah, I think it's important. It's important for all of us, you know, collectively to find this type of healing and peace. I mean, there's just so much peace that you get from an experience especially when you are on your own but with other like minded travelers and the community that you grow. I do believe that right now, you know, collectively that's what we're all seeking. We all really want community we all really want to be connected, especially since we've gone through, you know this pandemic now is our time so we may not all be able to travel and to dip into those funds. But I do believe that we need to stay connected within these community groups and then one day be able to all come together.

Linda Orsini:

Thank you Andrea and to all the listeners on a call for love. You can find all her details in the show notes and the details to the retreats and I'm offering there is so much out there. Dive in look see what resonates with you and may your heart soar with adventure and love. From my heart to yours namaste

Linda Orsini:

Thank you for listening. It would mean so much to me if you could share this episode with someone you feel could benefit from its message and subscribe to a call for love podcast. To receive new weekly episodes every Tuesday. Head over to global wellness education.com To learn more

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About the Podcast

A Call For LOVE
A Call for LOVE invites you to nourish love for yourself and others. Love transcends time and space so together, we will invite gentle awareness into learning new tools to be present to any thoughts, feelings and actions that are keeping you separate from the infinite sources of love, kindness and compassion. We will explore practices to help open your heart to giving and receiving love more freely and hear conversations to uplift and expand your consciousness. As the founder of Global Wellness Education, Linda’s passion is rooted in supporting your heart, mind, body and spirit on the journey to self-love through self-compassion. If you’re not living a life of love for yourself or others, then there is A Call for LOVE. All love flows from self-love. Join the journey!

About your host

Profile picture for Linda Orsini

Linda Orsini

Have you ever battled overwhelming anxiety, fear, self-limiting beliefs, soul fatigue or stress? It can leave you feeling so lonely and helpless. We’ve all been taught how to be courageous when we face physical threats but when it comes to matters of the heart and soul we are often left to learn, "the hard way."

As a school teacher for over 30+ years, struggling with these very issues, my doctor suggested anti-anxiety medication but that didn't resonate with me so I sought the healing arts. I expanding my teaching skills and became a yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reiki and sound healer to step into my power and own my impact.

A Call for Love will teach you how to find the courage to hold space for your fears and tears. To learn how to love and respect yourself and others more deeply.

My mission is to guide you on your journey. I believe we can help transform the world around us by choosing love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else. Join a call for love.